Dialog am Schubertring "Task allocation between managing board / managing director and supervisory board"

Dialog am Schubertring "Task allocation between managing board / managing director and supervisory board"
In context of our regular event "Dialog am Schubertring" law firm Kerres | Partners hosted a further informative lecture and discussion evening in cooperation with Contrast Management-Consulting, on October 20th.
Dr Christoph Kerres, founding partner at Kerres | Partners, and university professor Dr Werner H Hoffmann, chief executive officer of Contrast Management-Consulting and Board Member of the Institute for Strategic Management at the University of Economics in Vienna, reported about "task allocation between managing board / managing director and supervisory board".
After introductory words by Dr Stefan Gurmann, partner at Kerres I Partners, Dr Christoph Kerres spoke about the statutory role of the management board, the tasks and control function of the supervisory board, as well as liability issues in the interaction between the executive board and the supervisory board. Professor Werner Hoffmann discussed the efficient division of responsibilities and cooperation between the supervisory board and executive management in strategic management.
If you would like to learn more about this presentation, we will gladly send you the materials on request at marketing@kerres.at.
KERRES | PARTNERS represents its clients´ interests in all matters of commercial law, transactions, litigation and arbitration, private foundations, as well as administrative law for more than 25 years. KERRES | PARTNERS is one of Austria´s leading law firms and stands for knowledge, trust and success.
Contrast management consulting has more than 100 employees and is Austria´s leading strategy, organization and controlling consulting agency. Contrast´s clients are local and international companies, medium-sized family enterprises, public administration facilities, private sector non-profit organizations as well as health care institutions.