Awards and Recognitions

M&A Today Global Awards 2019

We are pleased to announce our law firm as a M&A Today Global Awards 2019 winner in the category of "Full Service - Austria"!

Finance Monthly Legal Awards 2019

We are pleased to announce our law firm as a Finance Monthly Magazine Legal Awards 2019 winner in the category of "Private Client - Law Firm of the Year - Austria"!

Lawyers Worldwide Awards Magazine Global Leading Lawyers 2019

With great pleasure Kerres I Partners announces on being selected to win a Lawyers Worldwide Award in the field of Global Leading Lawyers 2019 in the category "Arbitration Law Firm of the Year - Austria"!

Global Law Experts Awards 2018

With great pleasure Kerres I Partners announces on being selected to win an Award in the field of Global Law Experts in the category "Corporate Law Firm of the Year"!

Lawyers Worldwide Awards Magazine Global Leading Lawyers 2018

With great pleasure Kerres I Partners announces on being selected to win a Lawyers Worldwide Award in the field of Global Leading Lawyers 2018 in the category "Arbitration Law Firm of the Year - Austria"!

Lawyers Worldwide Awards Super Lawyers 2018

Kerres | Partners would like to inform you that we have been awarded in the category "Arbitration Law Firm of the Year - Austria".

Lawyers Worldwide Awards Magazine Annual Awards 2017

We are pleased to announce our law firm as a Lawyers Worldwide Awards Magazine Annual Awards 2017 winner in the category of "Commercial Law Firm of the Year - Austria" and "Arbitration Law Firm of the Year - Austria"!

Five Star Lawyers 2017 Award

With great pleasure Kerres I Partners announces on being selected to win an exclusive Five Star Lawyers 2017 Award in the category "Arbitration Law Firm of the Year – Austria"!

Global Law Experts

We are very delighted of have been chosen as a winner in the category “Corporate Law Firm of the Year in Austria – 2017" from Global Law Experts.


The Legal 500 Europe, Middle East & Africa 2017

We are pleased to anncounce that Christoph Kerres has been recommended in The Legal 500 Europe, Middle East & Africa 2017 editorial in the practice area "Private Clients".
